American Association for Physician Leadership

News Release

David Harrison

The American Association for Physician Leadership Announces Publication of the Book Inspired Physician Leadership: Creating Influence and Impact, 2nd Edition

May 25, 2023

WASHINGTON, DC — May 25, 2023 —Inspired Physician Leadership: Creating Influence and Impact, 2nd Edition, a new book published by the American Association for Physician Leadership and written by Charles R. Stoner, DBA, and Jason S. Stoner, PhD, addresses the critical interpersonal skills needed to be a successful leader.

Physicians have plenty of good ideas, but many physician leaders fall short of expectations due to their inability to effectively understand and handle the complex interpersonal and political issues that lie at the heart of successful and thriving leadership. The transition from clinician to physician leader is huge, requiring a different set of assumptions, skills, and approaches.

From topics like The Nature of Leadership and The Dynamics of Dialogue, to The Transition from Doer to Leader, this book is based in research and presented with applicable clarity to address the critical interpersonal skills necessary to promote influence, motivation, and needed change. Within it, physicians will find both grounded theory and practical tools to aid them in taking up the mantle of leadership.

Table of Contents

Prologue — Physician Leadership: Transitions and Challenges

Chapter 1

A New World: The Case for Physician Leadership

  • The Need for Physician Leadership

  • The Nature of Leadership

  • The Differential Impact of Leadership

  • The Physician Leader

  • Leaders as Trailblazers

  • Concluding Thoughts: What to Read

  • Previews of Coming Attractions

Chapter 2

Transitions: The Challenges of the Physician-Leader Interplay

  • Why Lead?

  • Key Transitions

  • Strengths and Vulnerabilities

  • Concluding Thoughts: What to Read

Chapter 3

Foundations: The Underpinnings of Thriving Physician Leadership

  • Character and Leadership

  • The Quest for Interpersonal Trust

  • What Is Trust?

  • Building Trust

  • Breaches of Trust

  • Self-Confidence

  • The Imposter Syndrome

  • Helping Build Confidence in Others

  • Concluding Thoughts: What to Read

Chapter 4

Tone: The Significance of the Interpersonal Factor

  • Leadership and Interpersonal Tone

  • Leaders Are Builders of Significance

  • Humility and Warmth

  • The Case for Justice and Procedural Justice

  • Action Based in Respect

  • Emotional Intelligence

  • Emotional Self-Awareness

  • Emotion Regulation

  • Relational Intelligence

  • Concluding Thoughts: What to Read

Chapter 5

Dialogue: Communicating for Understanding

  • Reciprocal Understanding

  • The Logic of Engaged Listening

  • The Dynamics of Engaged Listening

  • Expansive Questioning and Humble Inquiry

  • Conflicting Messages

  • The Dynamics of Dialogue

  • The Need for Action

  • Concluding Thoughts: What to Read

Chapter 6

Conflict: The Power of Respectful Conflict Encounters

  • The Upside of Conflict

  • The Downside

  • Resolving or Managing Conflict

  • The Structure of Interpersonal Conflict

  • The Behaviors of Respectful Conflict Encounters

  • The Respectful Conflict Encounter

  • Leadership in the Face of Tension

  • Dealing with Difficult and Problem People

  • Problem People

  • Concluding Thoughts: What to Read

Chapter 7

Influence: The Path of Impact

  • The Case for Rational Persuasion

  • The Power of Pre-suasion

  • Understanding and Touching Others’ Needs

  • The Reasons Behind the Request

  • Strategies of Influence

  • Presenting the Message

  • Executive Presence

  • Concluding Thoughts: What to Read

Chapter 8

Politics: Finesse and Action

  • The Reality of Organizational Politics

  • Power Fundamentals

  • Silos, Suboptimization, and Self-Centric Bias

  • Using Political Tactics

  • Leading Up

  • Negotiations

  • The Keys to Principled Negotiation

  • Concluding Thoughts: What to Read

Chapter 9

Motivation: Building Performance through People

  • Need Theory and Applications

  • The Power of Intrinsic Motivation

  • Physician Motivators

  • Common Contemporary Needs and Motivators

  • Equity Theory

  • Expectancy Theory

  • Goal Setting Theory

  • The Psychology of Flow

  • Generational Complexities

  • Building a Motivating Culture

  • Concluding Thoughts: What to Read

Chapter 10

Change: A Future of Opportunity

  • The Behavioral Dynamics of Change

  • Why: Building the Compelling Case for Change

  • What: Setting the Direction

  • Personal Impact: Understanding and Managing Disruptions

  • Ongoing Communication

  • Giving Voice to Resistance

  • Capacity Enhancement

  • Accessibility

  • Reinforce Early Successes

  • A Mindset of Change

  • Concluding Thoughts: What to Read

Chapter 11

Beginnings: Assuming the Mantle of Leadership

  • Hit the Ground Running

  • Patience

  • Empathic Clarity

  • Appropriate Assertiveness

  • Delegation

  • Running Meetings

  • The Boss Is Stepping Down but Is Not Ready to Let Go

  • The Friendship Dilemma

  • And … Then …

  • Concluding Thoughts: What to Read

About the Authors:

Charles (Chuck) R. Stoner, DBA, is professor emeritus at Bradley University and president of Stoner & Associates Consulting. Dr. Stoner earned his bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degrees from Florida State University. An award-winning scholar and teacher, he has authored thirteen books and numerous academic articles. A dynamic and engaging speaker and facilitator, Dr. Stoner works with a variety of businesses and organizations throughout the country, specializing in leadership, interpersonal dynamics, and change, as well as leader coaching for personal growth and reinvention.

Jason S. Stoner, PhD, is associate professor of management at Ohio University. Dr. Stoner earned his bachelor’s and master’s degrees from Bradley University and his PhD from Florida State University. His research interests primarily focus on individual differences influencing reactions to workplace stressors. Dr. Stoner’s research has been published in Human Relations, Human Resource Management Review, Leadership Quarterly, Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, and Journal of Vocational Behavior.

About the American Association for Physician Leaders

The American Association for Physician Leadership (AAPL) is focused on the personal transformation of all physicians, and through them the organizations they serve. With the goal of improving patient outcomes, workforce wellness, and a refinement of all healthcare delivery, AAPL has remained the only association solely focused on providing professional development, leadership education, and management training exclusively for physicians. Since its founding in 1975, AAPL has educated 250,000+ physicians across 40 countries—including CEOs, chief medical officers, and physicians at all levels of healthcare.

For over 45 years.

The American Association for Physician Leadership has helped physicians develop their leadership skills through education, career development, thought leadership and community building.

The American Association for Physician Leadership (AAPL) changed its name from the American College of Physician Executives (ACPE) in 2014. We may have changed our name, but we are the same organization that has been serving physician leaders since 1975.


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American Association for Physician Leadership®

formerly known as the American College of Physician Executives (ACPE)